Our EDI diagnostics, tools and technology capture the data you need to create measurable change for an equitable, diverse and inclusive workplace.
The first step in crafting a solution is identifying and dissecting the problem. We cannot craft a solution if we cannot define the problem.
Human experiences can be difficult to measure. For example, how do you measure Inclusion? Equity? Our expertise is in defining and measuring experiences that can be difficult to measure.
We conduct a lot of research to ensure we are responsive to what an inclusive environment ought to be which is constantly evolving.
We assess four core metrics that allow us to evaluate the state of inclusion at your organization. An Inclusion score is then derived from aggregating these four core metrics.
We assess four core metrics that target specific areas which allow us to carefully analyze and comprehensively understand the state of Equity at your organization.
The metrics are then aggregated to provide an Equity Score you can rely on and measure your progress over time.
Career Advancement
EDI Awareness
Here are just a few metrics we measure that are fundamental in understanding the state of EDI at your organization.
Get a sense of the existing psychological barriers at your workplace.
Evaluate your organization’s ability & reality to support healthy behaviour at work.
Get a picture of the most prevalent EDI perspectives within your organization
Get a sense of where your organization is in actively countering racial prejudice in all shapes and forms.
Understand your employees’ observations of your systems in
their own experience
Get a sense of the existing psychological barriers at your workplace.
Get a picture of the most prevalent EDI perspectives within your organization
Understand your employees’ observations of your systems in
their own experience
Evaluate your organization’s ability & reality to support healthy behaviour at work.
Get a sense of where your organization is in actively countering racial prejudice in all shapes and forms.
Delve into ediseed solutions for an elevated path to success
We will support you with the design of a practical and actionable EDI framework that includes a mission statement, values ,objectives, goals and measurement.
We offer a variety of learning experiences customized to your needs and informed by your organization assessment which allow you to easily track progress and measure impact.
We offer a variety of consulting services to fit your unique needs, whether that be a single project or on a retainer.We are your EDI partner in meeting and addressing your needs.
We offer a variety of consulting services to fit your unique needs, whether that be a single project or on a retainer.We are your EDI partner in meeting and addressing your needs.
We delve into EDI metrics, craft tailored assessments to uncover organisational gaps, and drive results with a data-driven, human-centred approach.
Explore and evaluate why EDI is important to you as an organisation and identify what you aspire to be and how you plan to get there by defining your vision, setting your goals & accompanying values.
Understand the current EDI state of your organization by completing an assessment grounded on ongoing EDI research to identify the gap between your current and desired state.
Analyze the assessment to comprehensively understand your opportunities across the organization in context of how you measure up both internally and externally.
Translate your assessment analysis into a clear stepwise plan through a framework that allows you to close the gap between your current and desired state.
Move your plan into action and embrace the magic of inclusion.
Continuously review your implementation plan to ensure it’s meeting the desired outcomes and make all the necessary adjustments along the way.
Over 300 recommendations successfully adopted and continuously being implemented.
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Equity: The practice of creating fairness for everyone by working to address systemic barriers that make
it difficult to achieve fairness.
Diversity: The wide array of differences and experiences among people in any environment.
Inclusion: The practice of appreciating diversity where the environment empowers everyone to share their perspectives authentically, their voices matter and impact decisions creating a culture of trust and belonging.
Everyone at your organization has a role to play in this work. Inclusion work cannot be the responsibility of a select few. Inclusion work requires everyone at the table co-creating and collaborating.
This varies and depends on the unique needs of
your workplace and where you’re at in your EDI journey. We should also note that EDI work is ongoing &
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